Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/18

f 174v–75 (15 October)


Willelmum ffrummunt
M: citatum
°non comparuit expectatur°
similiter vt in causa contra Iohannem Knocke
°ffor hauing put on a blacke gowne & following my Lord, leaping, daunceing, & reioycing in the defaceing of the ministerye.°
Iohannem Bankes
Chief Constable °<..>
vijs et modis
citatum expectatur°
et allegat that he
ffor being presente at the doeing of the thinges followeinge, & a furtherer thereof. °Quo die comparuit fassus sunt se omnes et singuli, that he was not ther°
Iohannem Knocke
vijs et modis
Lord & Capteyn of the disordered Cumpany riding & triumphing vpon a greate cowlestaffe borne vpon mens shoulders./ °Quo die comparuit et allegauit (et omnes alij consentierunt in allegationem per eum) that there is a custom in their towne that if a woman beate her husband, the next neighbour towardes the Church must ride vpon a cowlestaffe, et obtulerunt se prompte et personaliter ad probandum that master Paynes wief vicar of waterbeach did beate her husband Et vlterius allegauit dictus Knocke that they did horse him vpon a cowlestaffe against his will. vnde habent ad probandum allegationem in proximo Et vlter allegauit, that they did yt not to the defaceing of the Ministery°
Robertum Bankes Iunior
comparuit °similite
playeing lustely vpon the drumme, being a bruers kilderkin to putt beere in, whereof they all & diuers others of their disordered company had taken ouer muche, as shall appeare by their seuerall examinacions
Thomam Bankes
non comparuit
vijs et modis
one of the Carriars of the Cowlestaffe |
Thomam Ballard
non comparuit
vijs et modis
one other of the Cariers of the Coulestaffe
Edwardum Bankes non
vijs et modis
one other of ye Cariers of ye Cowlestaffe./
Marcum Charleton
vijs et modis similiter
Thes persons were all attired in ye howse of Marke Charlton common typler, Iohn Bankes chief Conestable being there presente & a furtherer of the cause & marched out thence.
Willelmum Slennet
alias Iarvys
stabularium Iohnanni Bankes predicti
vijs et modis
for hauing putt on ⸢a⸣ long blacke gowne, following my Lord, leaping daunceing & reioycing in the defaceing of the Ministerye


f 179 (22 October)


Iohannem Knocke, Robertum Bankes Iuniorem Thomam Bankesnon comparuit⸣, Thomam Ballard ⸢non comparuit⸣, Edwardum Bankes, Marcum Charleton ⸢non comparuit⸣, Willelmum Slennet ⸢non comparuit⸣, Willelmum ffrummuntie et Iohannem Bankes ad probandum that Mistris Payne ‸⸢did⸣ beate her husband Quibus &c.
dantur articuli Iurati et nouiter ad <.>bandum expectauerunt in proximo


f 180v


Iohannem Knocke, Robertum Bankes Iunior Thomam Bankes Thomam Ballard Edwardum Bankes, Marke Charlton Willelmum Slennet ⸢comparuit⸣ Willelmum ffrummuntie ⸢comparuit⸣ et Iohannem Bankes
Ad probandum that Mistris Payne did beate her husband, et ad probandum that he himselfe confessed yt. Iohannes Hodson et Thomas Gardner moniti sunt subire ex viua proxime et Emanauit decretum compulsor contra Christoferum Tate de Waterbeach et adamum Gayntlett de Cantebrigia ad perhibendum Testimonium in hac causa istis &c. Quibus &c. facta preconizatione comparuit Adam Gayntlett et obiecto ei articulo negauit eundem esse verum prestito prius per eum Iurato corporali tactis &c.
Quo die predicti omnes et singuli fassi sunt se prophanâsse sabbatum in hoc faciendum et in eo deliquisse. vnde dominus eos ‸⸢dimisit et⸣ monuit ad solvendum feodum in proximo

f 183v


Iohannem Knocke, Robertum Bankes Iunior Thomam Bankes, Thomam Ballard Edwardum Bankes, Willelmum Slennett, Willelmum ffrummuntie
°preconizati non comparuerunt
contumaces reseruata poena
in proximo°
moniti sunt ad solvendum dimissionis feodum in hos &c. Quibus &c. facta preconizione omnium et singulorum ‸ ⸢responsare⸣ prefatorum non comparuit dominus accusauit °eos esse° contumaces monuit soluendum feodum predictum et in pænam &c. pronciauit eos contumaces pæna reseruata in proximo

f 186 (12 November)


Iohannem Knocke, Robertum Bankes Iunior Thomam Bankes, Thomam Ballard Edwardum Bankes Willelmum Slennett Willelmum ffrummentie
contumaces reseruatur poena in proximo
ad soluendum feodum hi omnes moiti solue comparendum nec soluendum feodum pronunciantur contumaces poena reseruatur in hos &c. Quibus &c. facta preconizatione non comparuerunt vnde dominus pronuciauit eos omnes et singulos contumaces et reseruat eorum poenam in proximo
  • Marginalia
    • +
    • X
    • X
    • X
    • X
    • X
    • X
    • X
    • +
    • +
    • X
    • X
    • +
    • X
    • X
    • +
    • +
  • Footnotes
    • consentierunt: for consensierunt
    • <.>bandum: reading uncertain; possibly probandum
    • compulsor: for compulsorium abbreviation mark missing
    • eos esse: reading uncertain
    • mounit: 4 minims for m
  • Record Translation

    f 174v–75 (15 October)


    (Against) William Frummunt
    M cited
    °He did not appear. He is awaited°
    Likewise as in the case against John Knocke.
    (Against) John Bankes
    Chief Constable °<..>
    By ways and means
    He appeared.
    cited he is awaited°
    and alleges that he
    (English)°On which day he appeared all and each confessed (English)°
    John Knocke
    by ways and means
    he appeared
    (English) °On which day, he appeared and alleged, and all the others agreed with the allegation (made) by him (English) and they offered themselves readily and personally to prove (English) And further the said Knocke alleged (English) Wherefore they have to prove the allegation at the next (court day) and further he alleged (English)°
    (Against) Robert Bankes, the younger
    He is awaited.
    He appeared °likewise°
    (Against) Thomas Bankes
    He did not appear.
    By ways and means
    (Against) Thomas Ballard
    He did not appear
    by ways and means
    (Against) Edward Bankes not
    By ways and means
    He appeared.
    (Against) Mark Charleton
    He appeared
    by ways and means Likewise
    (Against) William Slennet
    alias Jarvys
    stable keeper of the aforesaid John Bankes
    by ways and means
    He appeared.


    f 179 (22 October)


    (Against) John Knocke, Robert Bankes the younger, Thomas Bankes ⸢He did not appear⸣, Thomas Ballard ⸢He did not appear⸣, Edward Bankes, Mark Charleton ⸢He did not appear⸣, William Slennet ⸢He did not appear⸣, William Frummunt and John Bankes to prove (English) On which (day) and in which (place), etc
    sworn articles are given and are newly to be proved They are awaited on the next (court day)


    f 180v


    (Against) John Knocke, Robert Bankes the younger, Thomas Bankes, Thomas Ballard, Edward Bankes, Mark Charlton, William Slennet ⸢He appeared⸣ William Frummunt ⸢He appeared⸣ John Bankes
    To be proven (English) and to be proven (English) John Hodson and Thomas Gardner were admonished to undertake (to do so) in person at the next (court day) and a compulsory decree was issued against Christopher Tate of Waterbeach and Adam Gayntlett of Cambridge to bear witness in this case, on these, etc. On which (day) and in which (place), after the summons had been made, Adam Gayntlett appeared and, when the article was charged against him, he denied that the same was true, a corporal oath having been sworn earlier by him with (the holy gospels having been) touched, etc.

    On which day, all and each confessed that they had profaned the Sabbath in doing this and, in this, had sinned. Wherefore the lord (judge) dismissed them and admonished them to pay the fine on the next (court day).

    f 183v


    (Against) John Knocke, Robert Bankes the younger, Thomas Bankes, Thomas Ballard, Edward Bankes, William Slennet, William Frummunt
    °Having been summoned, they did not appear.
    Contumacious with the punishment to be deferred until the next (court day).°
    They were admonished to pay the fee of dismissal regarding these, etc. On which (day) and in which (place), etc, after the summons to respond of all and each of them had been made, they did not appear. The lord (judge) accused them of being contumacious. He admonished them to pay the aforesaid fine and in punishment, etc he pronounced them contumacious, the punishment to be deferred until the next (court day).

    f 186 (12 November)


    (Against) John Knocke, Robert Bankes the younger, Thomas Bankes, Thomas Ballard, Edward Bankes, William Slennet, William Frummunt
    Contumacious with the punished to be deferred until the next court day.
    They were all admonished to pay the fine. In appearing and not paying the fine they were pronounced contumacious, the punishment being deferred on these (matters), etc, On which (day) and in which (place), etc, when the summons had been made, they did not appear, wherefore the lord (judge) pronounced all and each of them contumacious and deferred their punishment until the next (court day).
  • Glossed Terms
    • coulestaffe n cowl-staff; cowlestaffe
  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/18
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1600–3; Latin and English; paper; i + 253; 291mm x 194mm; modern foliation (followed here), contemporary foliation runs to f 303, but contains many gaps in numbering; good condition except for ff i and 253, which are torn and folded; no cover, parchment binding strip reading 'r,' presently kept in brown paper envelope.

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