Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR B/2/24

f 109v (1 December)


Robertus Coney predictus. Notatur for that vpon the said xixth day of Iuly & the xxxth of August last past beinge both Sabboth dayes, he satt all eveninge prayer tyme lookeinge on dauncers at the Townhowse of Marche./ Et 15. Martij 1607 exhibita Citacione originali per Willelmum Olecorne Apparitorem citatur preconizatus comparuit cum pia monicione &c dominus eum dimisit./

  • Marginalia
    • +
    • .0. paid .17. d
    • 0 paid 17d
  • Footnotes
    • 1607: underlined
  • Record Translation

    f 109v (1 December)


    Robert Coney aforesaid. He is reported (English) And on 15 March 1607, the original citation having been shown by William Alcorne, apparitor, he is cited. Having been summoned, he appeared. The lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning.

  • Endnote

    The same Robert Coney (f 109v) was charged with suffering his company to sell wares during the service time in the entry above.

    The 'Townehowse of Marche' is difficult to locate. No medieval secular buildings remain in the town; the St Wendreda guildhall on High Street, one possible location, was sold in 1571 to Richard Hill and Robert Don, but its public use after the sale is uncertain (VCH: Cambridgeshire, vol 4, p 120, British History Online, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol4/pp116-123, accessed 31 August 2021).

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR B/2/24
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1606–8; Latin and English; paper; ii + 165; 306mm x 201mm; modern foliation (four notes approximately 100mm x 70mm pinned to f iv, two notes approximately 70mm x 140mm, pinned to f 39v, full sheet and a half sheet added loose between ff 58 and 59, note, 990mm x 144mm, pinned to f 136v); good condition; parchment binding, torn on centre top front, front reads: 'Ely Decanatus | 1606 | 1607,' paper label on spine: 'X.'

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