Diocesan Court Proceedings

CUL: EDR D/2/35

f 206 (Holy Sepulchre parish)


Adam Gantlett. Presentatur for suffering players to be in his house in the tyme of divine service.

Et 25. Iunij 1616. exhibita Citacione originali per Iohannem Carpenter Apparitorem citatur qui proconizatus comparuit cum pia monicione &c dominus eum dimisit.


  • Marginalia
    • °visum°
    • +
    • °paid 17 d.°
    • °Examined°
    • +
    • °paid 17d°
  • Footnotes
    • 1616: underlined
  • Record Translation

    f 206 (Holy Sepulchre parish)


    Adam Gantlett. He is presented (English)

    And on 25 June 1616, with the original citation being shown, he is cited by John Carpenter, apparitor, and when, having been summoned, he appeared, the lord (judge) dismissed him with a solemn warning, etc.


  • Endnote

    It is impossible to tell in this entry whether the players referred to are dramatic players or card players.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Diocesan Court Proceedings
    Repository: CUL
    Shelfmark: EDR D/2/35
    Repository location: Cambridge

    1616–17 Latin and English; paper; ii + 239 + i; 308mm x 198mm; good condition; contemporary parchment binding, loose and torn, title on front: 'Liber officij pro Comitatu Cantabrigie | Annis domini 1616 & 1617 | 1616 | & | 1617,' paper note pasted on spine: 'G1'.

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