Hampshire, Bramley, 1531–2
HRO: 63M70/PW1

p 15 (2 April–24 March) (Receipts)


Item receued of the kyng Ale on Whytesonday at sopper xx s. vij d.
Item on munday at dynner ij s.
Item the seid munday at Supper x s. vij d.
Item receued on the tuysday at dynner vi s. ix d.
Item receued the seid tuysday of the parishe of pamber iiij s.
Item receued the seid tuysday of the parishe of Stratfeld say ix s.
Item receued the seid tuysday at Supper x s. vj d.
Item receued the Wennesday at dynner xviij d.
Item receued for Calfe & Shepe Skynnes xxj d.
Item receued at Supper on trinite Sonday xij s. vj d.
Item receued for tappyng money vij s. vj d.
Item receued ex donis parochianorum xviij d.

Summa ‸⸢receued⸣ de Churche ‸⸢ale de claro⸣ iiij li. vj s. viij d. viij s. ij d.

Summa receptis ‸⸢de omnibus trja xvij s. churche ale quja alijs receptis iiij li. vj s. viij d. xvij s. v d. xviij s. xj d.

p 16 (Payments)


Item paied towardes the Kyng Ale to Alys Carter for vj bushelles whete vj s. iiij d.
Item paied to Mr Vycar for iij bushelles of whete iij s.
Item paied to Richard Tyrry for a quarter of malt v s.
Item paied for viij barelles of bere xiiij s. viij d.
Item paied to Iohn Redyng for ij Calfes vj s. viij d.
Item paied to Richard Tyrry for i Calfes ij s. viij d.
Item paied to William littilwick for ij wethures v s. v d.
Item paied to huge White for a baren yew & iij lambes vij s.
Item paied for gees & pyg with hare xvij d.
Item paied to huge Carteres Wife for chekyns vj d.
Item paied to Anne Acres for butter & egges <.> vj d.
Item paied for Woode xxj d.
Item paied to the mynstrell xx d
Item paied for Rushis & makyng clene the barn iij d.
Item paied for spyces iiij d.
Item paied to Symon Redyng & his wyfe ‸⸢& his moder xij d.
Item paied to Thomas Watson for last payment for ye Roode lofte xvj d.

Summa lviij s. ij d. ⸢paymentes pro churche Ale⸣ & postea recepimus ex deuocacione parochianorum xvij d.

Et sic habemus de claro pro ecclesia xxx s.

p 17


In primis receuyd in the Churche boxe iiij s. viij d.
Item receuvyd of paschall money v s. j d.
Item receuvyd of Edmond for rent of the Crosse howse xij d.
Item receuvyd of the Churche clerely Ale de claro xxx s.
Item receuvyd of the geyft of Ione ffeythfull xij d.
Item receuvyd of holy loff money ij s.
Item receuvyd of dowellyng money viij s. vij d. ob.
Item receuvyd of Mawde palmer for rent of the Crose howse for half yere viij d.
Item receuvyd of Iohn Maryner for the hire of a kow for ij yeres xij s. viij d.

Summa liij s. ob.

The paymentes made by the seid Churchemen for the seid Churche

Item paied for wexe & makyng of the Churche light v s.
Item paied to Thomas Watson the last pay for Selyng vj s. viij d.
Item paied for costes at the spirituall court vij d.
Item paied to the bellfounder above the bellmoney iiij s. x d.
Item paied ffor tymber & makyng of the churche yate xij d.
Item paied ffor retrussyng of the belles xvij d. ob.
Item paied for whytlethur xx d.
Item paied ffor glasyng the Roode Wyndow xiiij d.
Item paied for ij bell roopys xx d.
Item paied to Symon Redyng for kepyng the Sextre xij d.

Summa xxv s. ob.

Remaynyng clerly xxxvii xxx s. viij d. ob.

recept xxliij s. ob. we paied xxv s. x d. ob. & so haue we xxvij s. iij d. xxviij s.

xxiiijj s. ob.

  • Footnotes
    • Whytesonday: 28 May 1531
    • munday: 29 May 1531
    • tuysday: 30 May 1531
    • Wennesday: 31 May 1531
    • trinite Sonday: 4 June 1531
    • Iohn Redyng: John Redyng was one of the churchwardens for this year
    • Calfes: unnecessary abbreviation mark
    • pyg: possible abbreviation mark at end may indicate pygeons
    • postea … xvij d.: 'And afterwards we received 17d from the parishioners' offering'
    • Et … xxx s.: 'And thus we have 30s net for the church'
    • paschall: 9 April 1531
  • Glossed Terms
    • clere adj and adv clear, without encumbrance, liability, debt, etc; net profit [OEDO clear adj, adv, and n 16.a]; cleare; clearely; clearlie; clearly; cleere; cleerelye; cleerlye; cler; clerely; clerelye; clerly; clerlye
    • crose howse n cross house, ie, church house; crosse howse
    • dowellyng vb n dwelling (?) in phr dowellyng money dwelling money, payment for temporary lodging (?)
    • glase v inf glaze, to furnish with glass; glasinge, glasyng vb n
    • kinge n in phr kinge ale, kingal, kingale, kingalle, kingeale, kyng ale, kyngale, kyngalle, kynge ale, kyngeale king ale, an inversion of order event in which a king — typically a local young man or farmer — was appointed to preside over the festival; kyng game, kynges game, king play, kynges play, kyng play synonymous with king ale; in phr king halle, kyng halle king hall, likely a bower built for the king of the king ale
    • selyng vb n sealing
    • whytlethur n whitleather
    • yate n gate
  • Endnote

    The dating of the accounts on pp 15–16 is a bit confusing, as 22 Henry VIII did not begin until 22 April 1530, whereas Palm Sunday fell on 10 April in 1530, so that Palm Sunday 22 Henry VIII was actually in 1531. The date 1530 is obviously the error, for the payments which follow these receipts are dated Palm Sunday 22 Henry VIII to Palm Sunday 23 Henry VIII. Furthermore, the set of accounts which follow these on p 17 are identified as being for 22–23 Henry VIII and are in fact another set of accounts for the same year as those on pp 15–16. The churchwardens are the same, as are all the amounts which occur in both accounts, such as those for paschal money, for Edmond's rent, and for the amount of the profits from the church ale. In fact it appears that the account begun on p 15 may originally have begun as the regular account for the year, but instead became an account detailing the receipts and expenses of the church ale, while the final account for the year is that given on p 17, which lists only the profits of the ale without details, as do most of the other years' accounts in this book.

  • Document Description

    Record title: St James' Churchwardens' Accounts
    Repository: HRO
    Shelfmark: 63M70/PW1
    Repository location: Winchester

    Bramley is a village situated about five miles north of Basingstoke, close to the Berkshire border. The accounting year used by Bramley's churchwardens was from Palm Sunday to Palm Sunday. Pagination of the accounts was done in 1873 by the Rev. C. Eddy, vicar of Bramley, who attached some loose papers and explanatory notes at appropriate points in the book.

    1523–1769; English and Latin; paper; 303 leaves; 327mm x 220mm; 19th-c. ink pagination; good condition, except pages frayed at edges, a few torn; original cover of parchment, badly damaged, made of several pieces stitched together, including fragments of a 15th-c. word book in Latin and English and a 15th-c. account roll, no title, kept in a case of cream-coloured vellum-covered boards made to enclose the book in 1909 by the archdeacon of Winchester, title stamped in gold on red- leather rectangle on front of case: 'BRAMLEY / CHURCHWARDEN'S ACCOUNTS / 1523–1769.'

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