Deed of Partnership in the Rose between Henslowe and Cholmley

Dulwich College: Mun 16

single membrane (10 January)

This Indenture made the Tenthe daye of Ianuarye Anno domini 1586 And in the Nine and Twentithe yeare of the Raigne of our soueraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of Englande ffraunce and Irelande defendor of the faithe &c Betwene Phillippe Hinshley Cittizen and Dyer of London one thonne partye and Iohn Cholmley Cittizen and grocer of London one thother partye Witneseth that the said partyes for the greate zeale and good will that is betwene them and tothentente that they maye the better increase theire substance are entrid into partnershippe and are becoume Copartners togeather aswell in the re<..> In taking posessinge and inioyinge of all that parcell of grownde or garden plotte Contayninge in lenghe and bredthe sqare every waye ffoorescore and fourteene foote of assize little more or lesse As allso to of and in the havinge takinge and receavedge of all the beniffytte somes of moneye proffitte and Advauntage of a playe howse now in framinge and shortly to be ereckted and sett vppe vpone the same grounde or garden plotte from the daye of the date of these presentes for and duringe and vntill the ende and terme of Eighte yeares and three monethes from thence nexte ensuinge and fully to be Compleate and ended yf the saide partyes doe so longe Lyve whereuppone yt is Couenaunted graunted Condiscended Concluded and agreed betwene the saide partyes by these presentes And the saide Phillippe Hinshley for him his executors and administrators dothe Couenaunte promisse and graunte to and with the saide Iohn Cholmley his executors and administrators That yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the saide Iohn Cholmeley his executors and assignes duringe the saide space of Eighte yeares and three monethes yf the saide Iohn Cholmeleye doe so longe Lyve To have receave take and inioye to his and theire owne proper vse and behooffe The moytie or one halfe of all suche some and somes of moneye gaynes profytt and Comodytye which shall arysse growe be colectted gathered or become due for the saide parcell of grounde and playe howse when and after yt shalbe ereckted and sett vpe by reasonne of any playe or playes that shalbe showen or played there or otherwysse howsoever And the saide Iohn Cholmley for him his executors and Administrators dothe Couenaunte promisse and graunte to and with the saide Phillyppe Hinshleye his executors and administratours by these presente That yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the saide Phillippe Hynshley his executours and assignes likewaye duringe the saide terme of Eighte yeares and three monethes yf the saide Philliyppe doe so longe lyve To have receave take and enioye to his and theire owne proper vse and behooffe The other moytie or one hallfe of all suche some and somes of moneye gaynes proffytes and Comodytie which shall arrysse growe be colected gathered or becoume due for the saide parcell of grownde and playe howse when and after yt shalbe ereckted and sett vppe by reasonne of any playe or playes that shalbe showen or playde or otherwyse howsoever as afforesaide And further the saide Phillype Hinshleye for him his executors and administratours dothe Couenaunte promisse and graunte to and with the saide Iohn Cholmley his executors and administrators by these presentes Thhat he the sayde Iohn Cholmley his executors administrators and assignes shall or maye lawfully peacablye and quiettly have holde occupye posesse and enioye All that smalle tenemente or dwellinge howsse scittuate and standinge at the sowthe ende or syde of the saide parcell of grownde or garden plotte to keepe victualinge in or to putt to any other vse or vsses whatsoever with the whole beniffytte proffytte & comodytie which he the saide Iohn Cholmleye his executours or assignes shall or maye receave or make of for or by the same howse neare adioyninge vnto a lane there Comonly Called mayden Lane now in the tenure of the saide Iohn Cholmley or his assignes with free ingresse egresse and regresse waye and passage to and for the saide Iohn Cholmleye his executours and assignes and to and for all other personnes cominge or frequentinge to the saide Iohn Cholmley his executours or assignes for any profytte or comodytie or for any other wysse or causes whatsoever aswell in by and throughe the Alleye there called Rosse Alleye leadinge from the Ryver of thames into the saide parcell of grownde As allso in by and throughe the waye leadinge into the saide Mayden Lane at all tymes Conveniente at his and theire lybertyes and pleasures yf the waye be permitted and suffred by the Lorde and lybertie withoute any lett troble suite eviccion expulcion or intrupsion of the saide Phillyppe hinshleye his exectours administratours or assignes or any of them And withoute any lawfull lett troble expulcone or intrupcion of any other personne or persones by his or theire meanes consente righte tytle intreste or procurement duringe the saide terme of Eighte yeares and three monethes fully to be compleate and ended And likewyse That he the saide Phyllipe his executors or assignes shall and will at his and their owne proper Coste and Chargis with as muche expedicion as maye be ereckte fynished and sett vpp or cause to be erected finished and sett vpe by Iohn Grygges Carpenter his servantes or assignes ‸⸢the saide play house⸣ with all furniture thervnto belonginge or appartayninge withoute fraude or guile All which premisses above by these presentes menconed ar scittuate Lyenge and beinge on the bancke syde in the paryshe of St Savoyes in Sovthworke in the County of Surrey In consideracon whereof the saide Iohn Cholmley for him his executours and administratours dothe Couenaunte promisse and graunte to and with the saide Phillippe Hinshley his executours and administratours by these presentes well and truly to paye or Cause to be payde vnto the saide Phillippe Hinshley his executours administratours or assignes for a yerlye anuyttie the some of Eighte hundreth and Sixteene Poundes of lawfull moneye of Englande in manner and forme followinge that is to saye One the feaste daye of the Nativitie of St Iohn Baptiste nexte Cominge after the date of these presentes Twentie five Poundes and Tenne shillinges on the feaste daye of St Michaell tharchaungell then nexte ensuinge other Twentie five Poundes and Tenne shillinges one the feaste daye of the Birthe of our Lorde god then nexte ensuinge other Twentie five Poundes and tenne shillinges one the feaste daye of thanunciacion of our Lady then nexte followenge other Twentie five Poundes and Tenne shillinges And so further after that from feaste daye to feaste daye quarter to quarter and yeare vnto yeare one consequently insuinge another That is to saye quarterly one every of the like feaste dayes of the feaste afforesaide Twentie five Poundes and Tenne shillinges vntill all the saide somme of Eight hundreth and Sixteene Poundes be so truly Contented and payde vnto the saide Phillyppe Hinshley his executors administratours or assignes And yf yt shall happen the saide anyitie or quarterly payment of Twentie five Poundes Tenne shillinges to be byinde and vnpayde in parte or in all by the space of Twentye and one dayes nexte over or after any feaste daye or terme of payment thereof abovesaide in which the some oughte to be payde beinge lawfully demaunded at the saide playe howse after the same shalbe erected and sett up that then and from thencforthe the saide Copartnershippe before menconed shalbe voyde seace and be vtterly frustrate and of none effecte as yf the same had not byn agreed vppon And that yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the saide Phillipe Hinshley his executours and assignes to renter And the saide Iohn Cholmley his executours and assignes and all other occupyers thereof oute and from the saide Dwellinge howse playe howse and all other the premisses vtterly to expell put oute and amove This presente Indenture or any thinge therin Contayned to the Contrary thereof in any wysse notwithstandinge And further the saide Phillype Hinshleye and Iohn Cholmle four them theire executours and administratours doe Couenaunt promisse and graunte eyther with other by these presentes that yf yt happen eyther of the saide partyes Phillype Hinshley and Iohn Cholmley to dye or desease this mortall lyffe before thende of the saide terme of Eighte yeares and three monethes that then and in suche Case yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for thexecutors ⸢or⸣and administratours of the partye so deseasinge to have receave take and enioye the parte and porcion of hym so deceassinge as Copartner with the surviver to of and in all and singuler the premisses beffore menconed and expressed in as large and ample manner and forme & in the like state and Condicion as the saide partye so deceassed in his lyffe tyme did enioye the same withoute any lett troble suite deniall or intrupcion of the surviuour his executours administratours or assignes withoute fraude or guilt And further the saide partyes Phillippe Hinshleye and Iohn Cholmleye for them theire executours and administratours doe Couenaunt promisse and graunte eyther with other by these presentes that yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for the saide Phillype Hinshleye and Iohn Cholmley theire executours and assignes ioyntly to appoynte and permitte suche personne and personnes players to vse exersyse & playe in the saide playe howse when and after yt shalbe erected and sett vpp at theire wills and pleasures beinge for the profytt and Comodytie of them bothe And likewaye that the saide Phillype Hinshley and Iohn Cholmley when any playe or playes shall be played or showen in the saide playe howse after the same shalbe erected and sett vpp shall and wilbe there present them selves or appoynte theire sufficiente debutyes or assignes with them selves or otherwysse at theire Choyse to Coleckte gather and receave all suche some and somes of moneye of every personne & personnes resortinge and Cominge to the saide playe howse to vew see and heare any playe or enterlude at any tyme or tymes to be shewed and playde duringe the saide terme of Eighte yeares and three monethes excepte yt please any of the saide partyes to suffer theire frendes to go in for nothinge And that all suche some and somes of moneye gaynes profytte and comodytie whatsoever as shalbe so colected gathered or receaved by them theire debutyes or assignes shall ymediatly that nighte after accompte made by them selves theire debutys or assignes be equally devided into Twoo partes or equall porcions whereof the saide Phillipe Hinshleye his executours or assignes to have the one halfe moety parte or equall porcones of the saide some and somes of moneye And the saide Iohn Cholmley his executors or assignes to have the other moyttie parte or equall porcion thereof duringe the terme afforesaide And further the saide Phillipe Hinshleye for him his executours and administratours dothe Covenaunt promisse and graunte to and with the saide Iohn Cholmleye his executours and administratours by thesse presentes That he the saide Phillype Hinshleye his executours or assignes shall and will at all tymes heareafter and from tyme to tyme duringe the saide terme of Eighte yeares and three monethes paye or cause to be payde All and all manner of quitte rente and other rente Chargis due and payable to the Lorde or Lordes of the premisses or the costes shall acquitte discharge or save harmeles the saide Iohn Cholmleye his executours administrators or assignes And likewayes shall and will at his and theire owne proper Costes and Chargis repaire and amende all the brigges and wharffes belonginge to the saide parcell of grounde and other the premisses with thappurtenaunces at or before the xxixth daye of September nexte cominge after the date of these presentes And Likewayes the saide Iohn Cholmleye and Phillipe Hinshleye for them theire executors and administratours doe Couenaunt promisse and graunte eyther with other by these presentes That they the said Iohn Cholmleye & Phillype Hinshleye theire executours administratours or assignes shall and will after the saide xxixth daye of September nexte Cominge at theire equall Costes and Chargis repare amende sustayne mantayne and vpholde the saide playe howse <...> brigges wharffes and all other the wayes and brygges now leadinge or which heareafter shalbe made to leade or appurtayne into oute and from the saide parcell of grownde and other the premisses with thappurtenaunces thervnto belonginge at all tymes heareafter when and as often as neede shall require duringe the saide terme of Eighte yeares & three monethes And further the saide Phillipe Hinshley for him his executours and administratours dothe Couenaunt promisse and graunte to and with the saide Iohn Cholmleye his executours and administratours That he the saide Phillipe Hinshleye his executours administratours or assignes shall nott ne will not permitte or suffer any persone or personnes other then the saide Iohn Cholmley his executours & assignes servantes and famyllie to vtter sell or putt to sale in or aboute the saide parcell of grownde playe house or garden plotte and other the premisses with thappurtenaunces any breade or drinke other then suche as shalbe solde to and for the vse and behoofe of the saide Iohn Cholmley his executours administratours or assignes by his ‸⸢or their⸣ consente meanes or procuremente In Witnes Whereof the saide partyes to theis presente Indentures Interchaungeably haue sett their Seales the day and yeres furste aboue Written/

Sigillatur et deliberatur in presencia
mei Cuthberti Iones servientis
Edwardi Pryce <..>

(signed) Edward Pryce

  • Footnotes
    • This Indenture made: in display script with large ornamented initial T 10 lines high
    • Witneseth: in display script
    • re<..>: for rest (?)
    • lenghe: for lengthe
    • whereuppone: in display script
    • And: in display script
    • And: in display script
    • Thhat: for That
    • the Lorde: the lord bishop of Winchester, lord of the liberty of the Clink where the Rose was situated
    • And: in display script
    • Savoyes: for Savyours
    • In consideracon: in display script
    • And: in display script
    • byinde: b evidently inserted after initial writing
    • And: in display script
    • singuler: r partially obscured by ink blot
    • like: written over erasure
    • or: almost obscured by an ink blot
    • And: in display script
    • some: o of some written over another letter
    • And further: in display script
    • And Likewayes: in display script
    • <...>: erasure approximately 18 characters long (45mm)
    • And further: in display script
    • Sigillatur … Pryce: 'Sealed and delivered in the presence of me, Cuthbert Jones, servant of Edward Pryce'
    • Pryce: followed by a notarial knot
  • Modernized Text

    single membrane (10 January)

    This indenture made the tenth of January, anno domini 1586, and in the nine and twentieth year of the reign of our sovereign lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, queen of England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc, and between Philip Henslowe, citizen and dyer of London, on the one party, and John Cholmley, citizen and grocer of London on the other party, witnesses that the said parties, for the great zeal and good will that is between them and to the intent that they may the better increase their substance, are entered into partnership and are become co-partners together, as well in the rest(?), in taking, possessing, and enjoining of all that parcel of ground or garden plot, containing in length and breadth square every way, four score and fourteen foot of assize, little more or less, as also to, of, and in, the having, taking, and receiving of all the benefit and sums of money, profit, and advantage of a playhouse now in framing and shortly to be erected and set up upon the same ground or garden plot, from the day of the date of these presents, for and during and until the end and term of eighty years and three months from thence next ensuing, and fully to be complete and ended if the said parties do so long live, whereupon it is covenanted, granted, condescended, concluded, and agreed between the said parties by these presents. And the said Philip Henslowe, for him, his executors and administrators, does covenant, promise, and grant, to and with the said John Cholmley, his executors, and administrators, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Cholmley, his executors and assigns, during the said space of eight years and three months, if the said John Cholmley do so long live, to have, receive, take, and enjoy to his and their own proper use and behoof, the moiety, or one half, or all such sum and sums of money, gains, profit, and commodity which shall arise, grow, be collected, gathered, or become due for the said parcel of ground and playhouse, when and after it shall be erected and set up, by reason of any play or plays that shall be shown or played there or otherwise howsoever. And the said John Cholmley, for him, his executors and administrators, does covenant, promise, and grant, to and with the said Philip Henslowe, his executors and administrators, by these present, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Philip Henslowe, his executors and assigns, likewise during the said term of eight years and three months, if the said Philip do so long live, to have, receive, take, and enjoy to his and their own proper use and behoof the other moiety, or one half of all such sum and sums of money, gains, profits, and commodity, which shall arise, grow, be collected, gathered, or become due, for the said parcel of ground and playhouse, when and after it shall be erected and set upon by reason of any play or plays that shall be shown or played or otherwise, howsoever as aforesaid. And further, the said Philip Henslowe, for him, his executors and administrators, does covenant, promise, and grant, to and with the said John Cholmley, his executors and administrators, by these presents, that the said John Cholmley, his executors, administrators and assigns, shall or may lawfully, peaceably, and quietly have, hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy, all that small tenement or dwelling house situate and standing at the south end or side of the said parcel of ground or garden plot, to keep victualling in or to put to any other use or uses whatsoever, with the whole benefit, profit, and commodity which he the said John Cholmley, his executors or assigns, shall or may receive or make of, for, or by the same house near adjoining unto a lane there commonly called Maiden Lane, now in the tenure of the said John Cholmley or his assigns, with free ingress, egress, and regress, way and passage, to and for the said John Cholmley, his executors or assigns, for any profit, or commodity, or for any other wise or causes whatsoever, as well in and by and through the alley there called Rose Alley, leading from the river of Thames into the said parcel of ground, as also in and by and through the way leading into the same Maiden Lane, at all times convenient, at his and their liberties and pleasures, if the way be permitted and suffered by the lord and liberty, without any let, trouble, suit, eviction, expulsion, or interruption of the said Philip Henslowe, his executors, administrators, or assigns, or any of them, and without any lawful let, trouble, expulsion, or interruption of any other person or persons by his or their means, consent, right, title, interest, or procurement, during the said term of eight years and three months fully to be complete and ended. Likewise that he the said Philip, his executors or assigns, shall and will at his and their own proper cost and charges, with as much expedition as may be, erect, finish, and set up or cause to be erected, finished, and set up, by John Grygges, carpenter, his servants or assigns, ⸢the said playhouse⸣ with all furniture thereunto belonging or appertaining, without fraud or guile, all which premises above and by these presents mentioned or situate, lying, and being on the Bankside in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark in the county of Surrey. In consideration whereof, the said John Cholmley for him, his executors and administrators, does covenant, promise, and grant to and with the said Philip Henslowe, his executors and administrators, by these presents well and truly to pay or cause to be paid unto the said Philip Henslowe, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for a yearly amity the sum of eight hundred and sixteen pounds of lawful money of England, in manner and form following, that is to say: on the feast day of the Nativity of St John the Baptist next coming after the date of these presents, twenty-five pounds and ten shillings; on the feast day of St Michael the Archangel then next ensuing, other twenty-five pounds and ten shillings; on the feast day of the birth of our Lord God then next ensuing, other twenty-five pounds and ten shillings; on the feast day of the Annunciation of our Lady then next following, another twenty-five pounds and ten shillings; and so further after that from feast day to feast day, quarter to quarter, and year unto year, one consequently ensuing another, that is to say quarterly one every of the like feast days of the feast aforesaid, twenty-five pounds and ten shillings until all the said sum of eight hundred and sixteen pounds be so truly contented and paid unto the said Philip Henslowe, his executors, administrators, or assigns. And if it shall happen the said amity or quarterly payment of twenty-five pounds, ten shillings, to be behind and unpaid in part or in all by the space of twenty and one days next over or after any feast day or term of payment thereof abovesaid in which the sum ought to to be paid, being lawfully demanded and set up, that then and from thenceforth the said co-partnership before mentioned shall be void, cease, and be utterly frustrate and of none effect, as if the same had not been agreed upon. And that it shall be and may be lawful to and for the said Philip Henslowe, his executors and assigns to re-enter, and the said John Cholmley, his executors and assigns and all other occupiers thereof out and from the said dwelling-house, playhouse, and all other premises utterly to expel, put out, and amove, this indenture or anything therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. And further, the said Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley, for them, their executors and administrators, do covenant, promise, grant, either with other, by these presents, that if it happen either of the said parties, Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley, to die or decease this mortal life before the end of the said term of eight years and three months, that then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for the executors ⸢or⸣and administrators of the party so deceasing to have, receive, take, and enjoy the part and portion of him so deceasing as co-partner, with the survivor to, of, and in all and singular the premises before mentioned and expressed in as large and ample manner and form and in the like state and condition as the said party so deceased in his lifetime did enjoy, the same without any let, trouble, suit, denial, or interruption of the survivor, his executors, administrators, or assigns, without fraud or guilt. And further, the said parties Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley, for them, their executors and administrators, do covenant, promise, and grant, either with other, by these presents, that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley, their executors and assigns, jointly to appoint and permit such person and persons, players, to use, exercise, and play in the said playhouse when and after it shall be erected and set up at their wills and pleasures, being for the profit and commodity of them both. And likewise, that the said Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley, when any play or plays shall be played or shown in the said playhouse after the same shall be erected and set up, shall and will be there, present themselves, or appoint their sufficient deputies or assigns with themselves, or otherwise at their choice to collect, gather, and receive all such sum and sums of money, of every person and persons resorting and coming to the said playhouse to view, see, and hear any play or interlude at any time or times to be shown and played during the said term of eight years and three months, except it please any of the said parties to suffer their friends to go in for nothing. And that all such sum and sums of money, gains, profit, and commodity whatsoever as shall be so collected, gathered, or received by them, their deputies or assigns, shall immediately that night after account made themselves, their deputies or assigns, be equally divided into two parts or equal portions, whereof the said Philip Henslowe, his executors or assigns, to have the one half moiety, part, or equal portions of the said sum and sums of money. And the said John Cholmley, his executors or assigns, to have the other moiety, part, or equal portion thereof during the same term aforesaid. And further, the said Philip Henslowe, for him, his executors and administrators, does covenant, promise, and grant, to and with the said John Cholmley, his executors and administrators, by these presents, that he the said Philip Henslowe, his executors or assigns, shall and will at all times hereafter, and from time to time during the said term of eight years and three months, pay or cause to be paid, all and all manner of quitrent and other rent charges due and payable to the lord or lords of the premises or the costs shall acquit, discharge, or save harmless the said John Cholmley, his executors, administrators, or assigns. And likeways shall and will, at his and their own proper costs and charges, repair and amend all the bridges and wharves belonging to the said parcel of ground and other the premises, with the appurtenances, at or before the 19th day of September next, coming after the date of these presents. And likeways, the said John Cholmley and Philip Henslowe, for them, their executors and administrators, do covenant, promise, and grant, either with other, by these presents that they the said John Cholmley and Philip Henslowe, their executors, administrators, or assigns, shall and will after the said 19th day of September next coming, at their equal costs and charges, repair, amend, sustain, maintain, and uphold the said playhouse, bridges, wharves, and all other ways and bridges now leading, or which hereafter shall be made to lead or appertain into, out, and from the said parcel of ground, and other the premises, with the appurtenances therunto belonging, at all times hereafter, when and as often as need shall require, during the said term of eight years and three months. And further, the said Philip Henslowe, for him, his executors and administrators, does covenant, promise, and grant, to and with the said John Cholmley, his executors and administrators, that he the said Philip Henslowe, his executors, administrators, or assigns, shall not nor will not permit or suffer any person or persons other than the said John Cholmley, his executors and assigns, servants, and family, to utter, sell, or put to sale, in or about the said parcel of ground, playhouse, or garden plot, and other the premises, with the appurtenances, any bread or drink other than such as shall be sold to and for the use and behoof of the said John Cholmley, his executors, administrators, or assigns, by his ⸢or their⸣ consent, means, or procurements. In witness whereof, the said parties to these present indentures interchangeably have set their seals, the day and years first above written.

    "Signed and delivered in the presence
    of me, Cuthbert Jones, servant
    of Edward Pryce"
    (signed) Edward Pryce

  • Glossed Terms
    • anuyttie n annuity; anyitie
    • byinde adv behind
    • likewaye adv likeways
  • Endnote

    For an image of the original manuscript, see the Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project, Mun 1, Group 16.

    From the reference here to the 'playe howse now in framinge,' it is apparent that the playhouse foundations had been started before 10 January 1586/7. It is equally clear from the description of the 'smalle tenemente or dwellinge howsse scittuate and standinge at the sowthe ende' of the property that John Cholmley already held a lease on that tenement, which was to become a potentially lucrative victualling house for the playhouse. His small building is shown on John Norden's maps of 1593 and 1600 in the southwest corner of the Little Rose site. For more on the late twentieth-century excavation of the site and Cholmley's house, see Bowsher and Miller, Rose and the Globe, pp 24–32, 111.

    Also mentioned in the deed is the builder John Griggs, who was employed again five years later in 1592 to renovate and extend the audience capacity of the playhouse.

    For an abstract of the document and details of its transcription history, see the related EMLoT event record.

  • Event Entity Pages
  • Document Description

    Record title: Deed of Partnership in the Rose between Henslowe and Cholmley
    Repository: Dulwich College
    Shelfmark: Mun 16
    Repository location: Dulwich

    This deed provides the basic dimensions of what was known as the Little Rose property, described as approximately ninety-four feet square, but compare the more detailed measurements in the 1650 lease between the feoffees of the Thomasyn Symonds Charity, at St Mildred Bread Street in London, and John Wallington (Appendix 2). See further 'History of the Rose Property.'

    As Julian Bowsher and Susan Cerasano point out in their joint essay on the document, this is one of the few surviving manuscripts 'from the early modern period detailing a theatrical partnership. Slashes were made at the bottom of the document in preparation for a seal, but there is no evidence that a seal was ever appended' ('The Deed of Partnership in the Rose Playhouse (January 10, 1587),' Henslowe-Alleyn Digitisation Project). There were two copies for the partners, the upper part of a single vellum sheet for Cholmley and this second, lower section kept by Henslowe.

    10 January 1586/7; English; vellum; single membrane; unnumbered; 450mm x 630mm; some display script with large ornate letter 'T' at the start; water damage, some letters very faded; indented and endorsed by Cholmley on the verso: 'By me Iohn Cholmley grocer.'

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