Letter Patent of Charles I

BL: Additional Charter 42681B

single mb (30 June)

Carolus dei gratia Anglie Scotie ffrancie et Hibernie Rex fidei defensor &c. Omnibus ad quos presentes Littere nostre pervenerint salutem Sciatis quod nos ad requisicionem Seneschalii Curie nostre annuatim tente apud Tutbury parcellum Ducatus nostri Lancastrie infra Comitatem nostrum Staffordie Comuniter vocate le Minstrells Court fecerimus exemplificari tenorem quorundam Ordinum nuper factorum et renovatorum per Cancellarium et Consilium Ducatus nostri Lancastrie in Camera eiusdem Ducatus apud Westmonasterium et ibidem remanentium tangentium gubernacionem omnium sectatorum ad eandem Curiam vt sequitur Datum apud Palacium nostrum Westmonasterium sub Sigillo Ducatus nostri predicti Tricesimo die Iunij Anno Regni nostri Septimo/

(signed) Gerard

  • Footnotes
    • Carolus: in display script
    • Omnibus: in display script
    • Sciatis: in display script
    • Datum: in display script
    • Gerard: Sir Gilbert Gerard, clerk of the Council, duchy of Lancaster 1609-40; chancellor 1648-9, Mar.-Jul. 1660.
  • Record Translation

    single mb (30 June)

    Charles, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, etc, to all to whom this present letter comes, greetings. Know that we at the request of the steward of our court held annually at Tutbury, part of our duchy of Lancaster within our county of Staffordshire, commonly called the minstrels' court, have caused to be copied the tenor of certain orders recently made and renewed by the chancellor and council of our duchy of Lancaster in the chamber of the same duchy at Westminster and remaining there concerning the governance of all the suitors to the same court as follows. Given at our palace of Westminster under the seal of the aforesaid duchy, 30 June 1631.

    (signed) Gerard

  • Document Description

    Record title: Letter Patent of Charles I
    Repository: BL
    Shelfmark: Additional Charter 42681B
    Repository location: London

    Letter patent accompanying BL: Additional Charter 42681A, likely a copy of TNA: DL 41/597, item [c].

    30 June 1631; Latin; parchment; single membrane; 80mm x 300mm; written on recto only.

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