Accounts of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis


f [115] (22 June) (Christopher Newsam's disbursements)


Item to the waits of Doncaster Iune 14 ij s.


ff [118v] (17 July) (York)

Item to the waites at yorke ij s.


f [120] (3 August)


Item to the blinde harper xij d.


f [120v] (12 August)


Item laid forth by Hugh for ij. Viall bowes. iij s.
Item for Viall stringes ij s. vj d.


f [124v] (26 September)

Item to a piper at ffreec head vj d.


f [128] (12 October) (Edwin Hill's disbursements)


Item goinge into the higher roome at a play. vj d.


f [145v] (23 December) (Christopher Newsam's disbursements)


Item to the players my Lord mountegls men x s.


  • Footnotes
  • Endnote

    The Bellasis family was resident at Newburg Priory.

    'ffreec head' (f [124v]) has not been identified.

  • Document Description

    Record title: Accounts of Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis
    Repository: NYCRO
    Shelfmark: ZDV V 10
    Repository location: Northallerton

    For information on Sir Henry and Sir Thomas Bellasis see the Introduction.

    The locations of payments made while the household was travelling have been noted in the subheading when these can be determined with confidence. There appears to be no regular accounting year.

    1608–12; English; paper; 235 leaves (ff [66], [144], and [233] pinned or pasted in); unfoliated (ff [45–6], [156], [158], [167–8], [210–26] blank); 290mm x 185mm; ff [231–5] damaged by mildew and very fragile; vellum cover, title on cover: 'The Book of <...> |Anno Domini | 1608 | <.>nno Do<.> | 1609 | Anno Domini | 1610 | <.>nno Do<.> | 16<..> | Anno Domini 1612.'

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